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When starting a business, you might be surprised how many businesses fail in the short or long term. Unfortunately, business failures are common. About 20% of small businesses fail in the first year and 96% in a decade.
The remaining 4% survive, not necessarily succeed.
So why do companies fail? Why does one entrepreneur succeed in business and another fails? It is a combination of preparation, strategy and knowledge. Below are 14 reasons why businesses fail.
1. Lack of an effective business plan.
2. Not putting the customer first.
3. Failure to hire the right people.
4. Do it yourself.
5. Lack of flexibility.
6. Lack of innovation.
7. They don't understand their business.
8. Timo pri kariera fiasco.
9. False beliefs.
10. Visual impairment.
11. Lack of enthusiasm.
12. Inefficient marketing strategies.
13. Misunderstanding your X factor.
14. Ask the wrong questions.